B Corporations are businesses that are certified by B Lab and have confirmed that they are working towards sustainable social and environmental goals. B Corp companies work towards reducing inequality and poverty, a healthier environment, more robust local communities, and the creation of jobs with dignity and purpose. There are currently over 2,500 Certified B Corporations in more than 50 countries. You can find them in the B Corp Directory.
How is a company B Corp certified?
A business is scored on the B Impact Assessment, which judges companies and their impact on their workers, customers, community, and the environment. B Lab oversees the process and helps keep businesses transparent and legally accountable. After the initial assessment, they require additional information to back up a company’s sustainability claims. Every year B Lab selects 10% of its companies for on-site reviews. Every three years, every company has a full review.
Why do B Corps matter?
Society’s most challenging problems cannot be solved by government and non-profit organisations alone. The B Corp certification helps lead the way in building a healthier future with more accountable and sustainable companies. It’s becoming increasingly essential, and bear in mind, that consumers vote with their dollars. Where you spend and invest your money has an impact on your local community, worker conditions, and the state of the planet.